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How Does CBD Help Sexually?

Disclaimer: The information provided here is intended solely for informational and entertainment purposes. It should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read here.

Even though we like to think of all of us as experts in the bedroom, it just isn’t quite the case. The difference might be so subtle that you just think that you’re not on the level you could be, but really, you need someone to break down the details of how men and women perform together.

And maybe, just maybe, it’s something more serious – for example putting your best foot forward doesn’t even come into account if you are having trouble with certain body parts.

We can’t hope to detail the different ways someone could have less than enjoyable sexual experiences but there are plenty and we are sure that a few of you might be in the same boat. Some of you might just be performing at sub-par levels and could be boosted to climb that ladder, any of this sound familiar?

We know, we are like your old super introspective counsellor, and that’s okay, we need super introspective counsellors – it just so happens that CBD is one such thing on earth that could be useful for whatever part of the bedroom you struggle with.

As you will see from the mountain of evidence that we will present below, the sexual experience and the effects of CBD pair up in a marriage made in plant heaven. Erectile issues? Performance anxiety? Low libido? Intimacy?

We have good news for you – CBD might be a solution for one, or even many of the problems listed above. Today, we seek to talk about exactly how CBD could be of aid when it comes to sex. We want to talk about exactly the way in which CBD can help you between the sheets.

Key Takeaways

  • CBD can help both men and women in bed.
  • CBD may help increase libido and sexual performance.
  • CBD has the potential to decrease sexual anxiety.

CBD and Sex – What We Know

What we know is that CBD has quite a number of potentially performance-enhancing benefits for your sex life. First up, we could talk about some of the more foundational benefits that CBD might bestow.

A relatively ‘foundational’ benefit is that CBD is thought to potentially help dilate blood vessels to increase blood flow. Yes, you can guess where this might be going. A potential ‘foundational’ benefit of CBD is that it’s thought to help regulate your mood – both by inhibiting cortisol and stimulating serotonin and dopamine levels.

CBD might therefore be able to aid calming down and chilling out, as well as nipping (stressful and anxious) thoughts in the bud.

On that note, CBD is also, reportedly, a brilliant analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent. That is to say: it can reduce inflammation and pain. Where might that help in the bedroom, you might ask? Let’s find out.

How CBD Helps Sexually – What the Studies Say

CBD can indeed help you sexually, and there are studies to back it up. Let’s take a quick look at all of the different benefits that CBD might have for your sex life, and what the studies say about them.

Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

One of the benefits that CBD may have for men in the bedroom is treating erectile dysfunction. CBD can increase blood flow and circulation, and this applies to the extremities as well. Therefore, CBD may be able to help increase the amount of blood flow into the penis, ultimately treating symptoms related to erectile dysfunction.

Reduces Performance Anxiety

CBD is well known for helping to calm people down. It’s something that can regulate mood, reduce stress, and reduce anxious thoughts. CBD does also have some potential in terms of reducing your performance anxiety. Some people just can’t perform very well due to having anxiety, but CBD might be able to calm you down to the point where that performance anxiety is no longer an issue.

Can Increase Libido

Although it is not known exactly how there is evidence that indicates that CBD may be able to help increase libido or sexual desire. It is assumed that a part of this is that CBD can help reduce anxious thoughts and help calm you down. It’s much easier to focus on sex when you aren’t feeling anxious. However, exactly how CBD increases libido is not 100% known. That said, the fact remains the same, CBD does increase libido.

Relieves Pain or Discomfort

Some people may also not like having sex regularly due to issues related to discomfort and pain. Well, CBD can relieve pain and inflammation, which could potentially impact your sex life. If you aren’t having much sex due to discomfort or painful issues, CBD might be the solution.

Elevates Mood

CBD might also help you have better sex in the bedroom as well. This is because it might lift your mood. During our conversation we told you how CBD potentially increases levels of serotonin and dopamine within your brain.

These are the feel-good hormones that make you happy, euphoric and more; these are also the hormones that also decrease levels of anxiety. CBD may also decrease cortisol levels. Decreases in cortisol help to decrease stress levels decreases.

The bottom line is that you’re more likely to want to have sex and enjoy it when you’re not anxious or stressed out. This study suggests that individuals have a calmer, more relaxed experience during sex when they consume CBD.

Does Sex Feel Good with CBD?

All indications point towards the fact that CBD is beneficial for sex, particularly in terms of physical stimulation. There are some studies that show that people tend to feel much better when having sex after consuming CBD.

In this particular study, nearly 75% of participants reported an increased sensitivity to touch thanks to CBD. Also in that same study, over 65% of participants said that they had much more intense orgasms.

This same study also noted that females who have trouble reaching orgasm had a much easier time reaching orgasm after consuming CBD.

Does CBD Affect Sperm Quality

This is a very difficult question to answer, and there just isn’t enough research yet on this front. Moreover, the research that does exist is somewhat conflicting.

For instance, some studies indicate that taking CBD regularly does reduce both the quality and amount of sperm present in the testicles.

However, there are also other indications that taking CBD regularly may improve the male’s sperm’s ability to impregnate the female egg.

Does CBD Oil Help with Sex?

CBD oil may indeed help with sex, particularly in all of the ways that we discussed above. This is specifically the case if you consume CBD oil orally. However, CBD oil can also be used in a different way, as lubrication.

When used as lubrication, CBD oil may be able to help reduce pain caused by dryness and friction.

Furthermore, CBD oil may also help to increase sensitivity to touch, therefore increasing pleasure during sex. CBD oil for sexual performance might be exactly what you need.

What About CBD Gummies for Sex?

If you really want to excel at sex on an ongoing basis and for the long-term, you should take your CBD on a daily basis. That’s the thing about CBD: it’s sort of like a multivitamin, not a one-shot 5000 mg thing.

That is to say, you should take CBD on a regular basis if you want to consistently benefit from this amazing substance.What’s great about CBD gummies is that they offer very many different cannabinoid combinations.

You might find gummies that are simply CBD, but you’ll also find ones that have tons of other cannabinoids in them. Furthermore, these CBD gummies come in several different strengths, and you can try very weak ones or very strong ones, depending on what exactly you want.

On that point, CBD gummies are also perfect because you know exactly how much CBD is in it, so you know exactly how much you’re taking.

Final Thoughts: How Does CBD Help Sexually?

The bottom line here is that there is plenty of evidence that indicates that CBD may be beneficial sexually, and in quite a few ways. Therefore, if you are suffering from any of the issues that we discussed today, CBD might be the solution that you’ve been looking for.

Where to Buy CBD Gummies and Oils Online

If you are looking for some CBD gummies for sex, check out our own Botany Farms CBD Gummies. If you’d rather smoke a bit of CBD as opposed to ingesting it, check out our Botany Farms Orange Glaze CBD Pre-Rolls. Finally, if you need some good CBD oil for sexual performance anxiety, take a look at this Live Resin CBD Tincture. Thanks for stopping by! Why not give some CBD from our farm a try?

Links to sources used in this article:

CBD and the Endocannabinoid System

Note: This article is provided by Botany Farms for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. The content is intended to offer insights into the practice of dabbing and the use of cannabis concentrates, reflecting current knowledge and research within these areas. It is not aimed at diagnosing, treating, curing, or preventing any diseases or health conditions. As the legal status of cannabis varies across different regions, it is the responsibility of the reader to be informed about their local laws regarding cannabis use. Botany Farms advises all readers to consult with a healthcare professional before making any decisions about cannabis consumption to understand fully the potential risks and benefits. Botany Farms and the authors of this content disclaim all liability for any adverse effects that may arise from the use of information provided in this article.

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Botany Farms General Disclaimer:

The content provided on Botany Farms’ website, including blog posts and articles, is for informational and entertainment purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

While we source our information from credible academic studies and trusted sources, we encourage our readers to conduct their own research and consult healthcare professionals for personalized advice. The legality of cannabinoids varies by state and is subject to change. It is the reader’s responsibility to verify the current legal status of cannabinoids in their state or jurisdiction.

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