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How to Inhale Weed Correctly

Cannabis is definitely a hot topic these days, and thanks to the sheer number of science-backed benefits that this unique plant can provide, it seems to be growing in popularity. Nowadays, there are many cannabis products and ways to consume them, like edibles, extracts, cartridges, and tinctures.

But good oldies never go out of style, and that’s why smoking a joint remains one of the most popular ways to consume cannabis. Whether you’ve decided to try cannabis for the first time, haven’t smoked for so long that you can’t quite remember how to do it, or just want to confirm that you’ve been doing it right, this post is for you.

Keep reading to learn handy tips on how to inhale weed correctly.

How to Properly Smoke Weed

Smoking weed correctly isn’t rocket science. But it’s good to know that some factors can influence your smoking experience that aren’t directly related to how you inhale smoke. If you want to master the art of smoking weed, we will break it down step-by-step to ensure that you are smoking weed properly.

  1. To ensure a good smoke, take care of certain things before getting the buds ready for smoking. Poor-quality weed can make your smoke unpleasant, no matter how careful you are with how you roll your joint and smoke it. Make sure to get well-cured buds.
  2. Once you have your good-quality cannabis flower, break up the buds and grind them. Ideally, grind your weed to a medium grind—not too coarse to avoid burning badly and not too fine to prevent your joint or pipe from clogging.
  3. Rolling the joint correctly is also essential to having a good smoke. Do not apply too much pressure when putting it together. When you roll the joint too tight, it won’t burn well. Also, if you roll the joint too loosely, it will most likely burn badly. Too much oxygen makes the joint burn faster and feel harsher on the throat.
  4. The way you light the joint also matters. The correct way to do it is to light the joint by placing the flame on the joint tip opposite the filter for about 10–15 seconds, or until you see the joint end lit up, then inhale. It’s unnecessary to draw the joint while lighting it as you would a cigarette since tobacco and cannabis are not the same. In fact, inhaling the joint while lighting it can cause the joint to burn poorly.
  5. Once you have your joint lit, fill your mouth with smoke. You don’t need to draw the joint for more than a couple of seconds to get a good amount of smoke. By doing this before inhaling the smoke, you prevent coughing fits as the smoke cools down a bit before going to your throat and lungs. Inhale deeply so that the smoke passes into your lungs.
  6. Avoid holding the smoke in your lungs for too long to prevent the formation of tar and combustion residues in your lungs. A couple of seconds is more than enough. Now exhale the cannabis smoke and repeat this process until you feel satisfied.
  7. If you wish, you can use a mouthpiece or a joint filter to prevent further inhalation of harmful and unnecessary residue that cause coughing or throat irritation.

How to Take a Bong Rip

Bongs and bowls have carb holes or a similar system to control the air flow. But if you are not familiar with this, smoking can be a bit confusing. So, it’s important to understand how the carb system works so that it is easy and natural for you to smoke from it.

Although there are variations depending on the design of the pipe or bong you use, the system tends to follow the same principles. In the case of pipes, they usually have the bowl where you put the ground flower, a smoke chamber that makes up the pipe’s body, a carb hole, and the mouthpiece.

In the case of bongs, the simplest ones have a chamber where water is placed with two holes: one is the downstem that goes and connects to the bowl where you burn the grass. The other hole serves as a carb. The chamber is attached to a tube or neck that serves as a mouthpiece and is where you inhale the smoke. It is pretty similar to bongs with dab rigs but with some differences.

Like bongs, dab rigs have a water chamber, neck, mouthpiece, and a joint where you attach the dab nail or banger on most dongs. The difference between bongs and bowls is that dab rigs do not have a carb hole, but you control the carb by sticking and unsticking the banger or dab nail from the joint.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a bowl, bong, or dab rig. Just remember to cover the carb hole or attach the banger to the dab rig joint so as not to interrupt the air channel. If you don’t cover the hole well, it may be hard to smoke. You can cover and uncover the carb hole to control combustion in the bowl and the airflow through the pipe’s body.

While bowls, dab rigs, and bongs are all about cooling and filtering the smoke before inhaling it, some people add extra filtering by using an additional mouthpiece or filter. This adds the extra benefit of filtering and freshening the smoke more before it reaches your lungs. Consequently, you get healthier hits that are also more gentle on the throat and lungs.

How to Properly Smoke a Joint

To enjoy a joint or blunt, aside from grinding your weed well and rolling it the right way, knowing how to smoke can be pretty significant. But first of all, it is vital to get quality cannabis to ensure a good smoke.

Low-quality cannabis buds may contain pesticides, fungi, or substances leftover from improper storage that can affect the quality of the smoking experience. If you are a lover of CBD-rich cannabis, you can choose your favorite from the best hemp strains currently available on the market.

Play it safe by getting some Sour Elektra flowers or some Cats Meow buds. If you lean more towards the psychoactive effects within the legal range, you can opt for some Delta-8 Zombie Kush nugs or even the delicious and outstanding Delta-8 Abacus 2.0 to ensure that the quality of your buds will not affect your smoking experience. After having some good buds and building your joint well, you can proceed to smoke it.

Learning to smoke correctly isn’t complicated; just light the joint and fill your mouth with smoke. Doing this first gives you gentler, more enjoyable hits. Inhale deeply into your diaphragm after you have the desired amount of smoke in your mouth.

The smoke passes into your lungs and is absorbed into the bloodstream to generate the effects you want, be it the relieving effects of CBD or the high of THC. Inhale, hold the smoke for a couple of seconds, exhale, and wait a moment for the high to hit.

How to Inhale Weed Without Coughing

Surely you have seen people who cough when they smoke weed because “it gets them higher.” But the truth is that coughing while smoking is not a sign of smoking correctly. In fact, many cannabis users try to cough on purpose, take harsher hits, or hold the smoke for as long as they can when they smoke, and this isn’t necessary.

Coughing while smoking is actually a symptom that perhaps you took too big a drag, the smoke is too hot, or the resin and tar resulting from combustion are entering your lungs. Coughing can also signify that your body is trying to expel something foreign from your lungs, such as tar or pitch.

You can use a mouthpiece when smoking to prevent this. Sometimes holding in too much smoke can increase the chances of a coughing fit. It is best to learn to smoke without coughing or switch to smoking devices that cool the smoke, use a percolator, or smoke in devices such as ice bongs.

Does Weed Resin Build up in the Lungs?

Quick and short answer: yes. Have you ever seen how a brownish film forms on your pipe as you smoke? Or have you had pipes that you never cleaned and got clogged due to the buildup of a black substance? Well, something similar can happen in your lungs.

Many people call this black substance “resin,” which is basically nothing more than tar and accumulated combustion residue. This black weed “resin” has nothing to do with the famous terpene- and cannabinoid-filled live resin that is becoming increasingly popular among cannabis connoisseurs. For that reason, we recommend you use filters to prevent tar and resin from entering your lungs.

How to Prevent Resin Buildup in a Bong

When you burn weed in a bong bowl, the smoke travels down the downstem and through the water chamber before reaching your mouth. But when cannabis burns, it produces combustion residues that also travel with the smoke all the way.

These residues accumulate over time, especially if you use your bong frequently; a sticky brownish film of residue can form on the walls of the downstem and the chamber of the bong, which can affect the flavor of your hits and even form mold. This happens with all pipes, and it’s essential to keep them clean to avoid unpleasant smoke and mold building up or even your pipe becoming completely clogged.

Fortunately, you can prevent this by regularly cleaning your bong. Just as there is an ideal way to clean a metal pipe, plastic, glass, or wooden pipe, there is also an ideal way to keep your bong clean, and it is actually quite simple. There are tricks you can apply to prevent gunk from forming on the walls of your bong.

An effective way to avoid dirt formation in your bong is to clean it well and regularly, preferably after each use. It is similar to keeping the stove clean to prevent fats and oils from building upon it. If you periodically clean your bong, it will stay neat and easy to clean.

On the contrary, if you spend weeks or months without cleaning it, you will have a hard time on your next cleaning session.

Another trick you can use is to add a few drops of lemon juice to the bong water before using it. The enzymes in the lemon juice break down the sticky resin that forms inside the bong, making it harder for it to stick to the walls. This also prevents a mess from forming inside the bong and makes it easier to clean up after use.

Learning how to inhale weed correctly takes practice, but the results are completely worth it. In case you’re a newbie, products like live resin vape juice or Delta-8 live resin vaping cartridges, are way easier to smoke and have a softer, more mellow vapor.

Watch the video below for more tricks on inhaling weed correctly.

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While we source our information from credible academic studies and trusted sources, we encourage our readers to conduct their own research and consult healthcare professionals for personalized advice. The legality of cannabinoids varies by state and is subject to change. It is the reader’s responsibility to verify the current legal status of cannabinoids in their state or jurisdiction.

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