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Is CBD Haram?

It’s been a long time since the appearance of Islam in the 7th century, and the whole world and society have experienced numerous advancements since then. Neither science nor medicine has remained static since the Koran was written. And with all these advances, new medicinal substances appeared that had not been previously considered by Muslim scholars.

Among these substances and organic compounds, we have CBD. CBD is an organic compound that occurs naturally in cannabis and has been growing in popularity in recent years due to the evidence about the wide range of potential benefits it could bring to health.

Islam is a belief system with well-established rules for almost all aspects of life as to what is permissible or Halal, and what is not acceptable, called Haram. Foods, drinks, and substances that we ingest and give to our bodies are a critical context for this culture. The situation with CBD is that, as it comes from a plant considered intoxicating and therefore Haram by many Muslims, it remains in an area of ​​controversy even though this cannabinoid isn’t intoxicating or psychoactive.

What is Haram?

Haram is an Arabic word with a religious connotation. It can mean forbidden and sacred or untouchable. The word Haram is the opposite of Halal and includes all things, events, behaviors, foods, and substances prohibited by Islam.

Haram also refers to other types of more mundane prohibitions and is the root of other words that describe similar limitations, such as the word harem, which describes a prohibited area inhabited by the lady of the house.

In the untouchable or sacred context, it can describe temples or shrines. For example, the entire installation of the Mecca mosque with the Kaaba is called al-bait al-haram, which means “the untouchable house,” the noble sanctuary or al-haram asch-scharīf, which refers to the mountain of the temple in Jerusalem, or al-haramain, “the two sanctuaries” which relates to the mosques in Mecca and Medina.

Definition of Halal and Haram

Halal and Haram primarily refer to permissible foods and drinks according to Islamic traditions in the West and countries where Arabic is not the main language. Still, in countries where Arabic is the primary language, it tends to have a much broader meaning that includes food and drink and behavior, clothing, speech, and even relationships.


All kinds of intoxicating substances or substances harmful to health, all types of pork or its derivatives, meat that comes from any cattle, deer, goat, sheep, chicken, duck, or fish that a Muslim has not slaughtered, fall into the Haram category.

According to Islamic traditions, all the previously mentioned is sinful and Haram, therefore prohibited. Also, eating carnivorous animals, blood, and non-vegan gelatin, especially those containing some type of fat or porcine bone matter, falls into this category.

In addition to some substances and foods, there are other things such as objects, actions, policies, behaviors, clothing, and language that are considered Haram or “Makruh” and that, according to Islam, are unpleasant or despised by Allah.


If Haram is what is forbidden and disliked by Allah, Halal is the opposite. The word Halal describes all things: attitudes, ways of being, way of dressing, manner of speaking and relating with partners and other people, but especially the foods, drinks, and substances permissible according to Muslim traditions. Most plant-based foods, vegetables, and fruits fall under the Halal category, as long as they do not contain any Haram ingredients.

Is CBD Oil Haram?

Since there are several schools and branches of Islamic thought and authorities within the Muslim doctrine, there still seems to be no totalitarian or universal agreement among all Islamic currents about the permissiveness of CBD. Nevertheless, most Muslim scholars and authorities agree that CBD itself, and CBD oil with no added additives and minimum to no trace of THC, is Halal.

But, in addition to the thought discrepancies regarding this subject that may exist between some schools of Islamic culture, the answer to this question is a little more elaborate than it would initially seem.

The thing is, CBD itself falls under the Halal category according to many practicing Muslims, but not all CBD products are permissible under Islamic laws. This is because some CBD products may also contain other non-permissible elements or ingredients, and some other CBD consumption methods are Haram or prohibited.

Is Smoking CBD Haram?

Although CBD itself is halal, smoking CBD is a perfect example of CBD consumption methods not allowed by Islam prescripts. Until recently, the Muslim authorities did not have a common understanding on smoking, even with tobacco.

But recently, given the overwhelming evidence showing the disadvantages and health damage caused by smoking, most Muslim scholars agree that smoking anything is Haram and prohibited.

When talking about cannabis high in THC content, it seems there is an almost universal agreement regarding its Haram status since THC is a completely prohibited intoxicant.

Nevertheless, regarding hemp flowers high in CBD, we can say that what isn’t permitted aren’t the hemp flowers as such, but the act of smoking. Therefore, if you are interested in experimenting with CBD microdosing to treat a condition and are worried about sticking to your Halal way of living, it may be best for you to find different ways to consume your CBD, either through oils or edibles.

Regardless of how you choose to consume CBD, be sure to check carefully so that no ingredients or characteristics of the consumption method you choose fall under the Haram category.

Is Vaping CBD Haram?

A short and concise answer is yes, vaping CBD is Haram. As with smoking, it is not about the CBD itself but about the method of consumption. Although this may be relative to some Muslim practitioners, there may still be some controversy regarding this consumption method because some practicing Muslims do not consider vaping haram.

This question is recent, and there may still be some confusion and differences of opinion regarding the subject since vaping is something relatively new, especially CBD vaping. However, most Muslim scholars agree that vaping is also Haram because it basically consists of imitating the act of smoking, even if it is not smoking as such.

In addition to this, recent studies suggest that vaping may not be as healthy as many people previously believed. As we know, any act that intoxicates or causes damage to the body falls under the Haram category.

Is CBD Gummies Haram?

We can’t answer with a simple yes or no for CBD gummies because the answer is pretty relative. The truth is that CBD gummies can be Halal or Haram, depending on the ingredients used in their preparation.

Regular gummies prepared with traditional gelatin, artificial colors, and flavors are Haram because the gelatin usually contains bone material and porcine fat, at least in part. Added to that, artificial colors and flavors usually use alcohol as one of their components to dilute the pigments or homogenize the mixtures.

Gummies can be Halal when their preparation recipe contains gelatin from bone material of beef or other animals except for pork. However, to ensure that your CBD gummies are Halal, they should be vegan, free of fat or animal bone material, and prepared with vegetable dyes and natural flavors.

So, it is entirely possible to get Halal CBD gummies. Just make sure to check very well the ingredients used for the preparation of these to confirm that your gummies do not contain any Haram ingredients.

Are Cannabinoids Haram?

Unlike alcohol, the Koran doesn’t directly prohibit cannabis. Drinking is definitely sinful, according to Kashrut and Halal. Still, concerning other substances, Islamic thought evaluates more under the criteria of whether or not a substance curtains the mind, curtain meaning “to veil” or “to cover” in this sense.

One of the most popular hadiths or sayings of the Prophet Mohammed says, “If much intoxicates, then even a little is haram.” Following this precept, if a large amount of any cannabinoid can intoxicate you, even a minimal amount of said cannabinoid is prohibited and classified as “khamr” and, therefore, Haram.

However, things can get really complicated when it comes to medical cannabis. According to Ismail Ali, a practicing Muslim and vice president of the SSDP says that: “Muslims believe that there is no disease or illness that comes from God that can affect humans and that does not have some kind of cure, some kind of medicine or treatment.”

He also says that this kind of perspective can apply to the medicinal uses of cannabis. Thus, medicinal cannabis or cannabinoids of an intoxicating nature may not be Haram if their use is under the supervision of a qualified physician and to treat a valid medical problem.

Nevertheless, some stricter Muslims often debate listing certain conditions such as PMS or general anxiety as legitimate reasons to justify the use of medicinal cannabis in the same way as other more serious or terminal illnesses such as epilepsy or cancer.

Ismail says that his interpretation of whether a substance as such is Haram or prohibited depends on the intention in which each person consumes it. “Intention or behavior in Islam is a determining factor as to whether something is wrong.” This makes the whole thing even more relative since the intention or behavior is always subject to the interpretation of others, and how each individual reconciles their use of cannabis under Islamic observation is very personal.

There is something clear; there is almost unanimous agreement that the recreational use of cannabis is Haram and contradicts the maqasid al-Sharia or the highest guidelines and objectives. However, historical evidence tells us a different version of the story in practice. The presence of cannabis in Muslim regions is undeniable, with hashish being highly cultivated and marketed throughout the Arab world, with Morocco and Afghanistan as the largest suppliers.

In addition to this, Shia Muslims have had a certain degree of approval from their Ayatollah, Sayyad Mohammad Sadeq Hussaini Rouhani in Qom of Iran since 2014 to use certain entheogens or spiritual plant medicines as well as certain psychedelics in a Halal manner. Rohini also established that these plant substances do not impair the mind or spirit. This fatwa or law was also promoted due to a consultation with the Sufi mystic and Islamic scholar Wahid Azal of Lebanon.

So even though the recreational use of cannabis is Haram, its presence has been almost ubiquitous in Muslim-majority countries, especially among the lower classes and among Sufis, for its spiritual usefulness. In fact, legend has it that the Persian founder of Sufism, Haydar, stumbled upon a cannabis plant while prowling in the mountains, dared to eat the leaves, and returned to the monastery spirited and talkative about it.

As the story goes, Haydar eventually told his friends what it was that he ate that made him so happy, so they too ventured into the mountains to try the cannabis plant for themselves and discovered the “pleasures of hashish.”

Where to Buy?

If you live in a state or country where there is some degree of legality regarding medicinal hemp, the easiest way to get CBD may be to simply go to your nearest dispensary to get the product that best suits your needs and verify that there are no contain any Haram ingredients.

Since CBD and all products containing this cannabinoid are still in a legal transition stage, they are not yet fully regulated by the FDA and relevant departments that make sure to verify the ingredients and components of each product. The best thing to do is double-check the product label or ask the seller to find out exactly what each product contains and thus be sure that neither the product nor any of its components are Haram.

Buying online remains the most practical and viable option for obtaining reliable CBD products. Although, of course, this largely depends on which online store you decide to buy from. Luckily for you, at Botany Farms, we have a quality product catalog that goes through rigorous third-party lab testing to verify each product’s content and specific ingredients.

If you are looking for Halal CBD products, we have a delicious batch of vegan, gelatin-free, low-fructose corn syrup, dairy-free, and gluten-free CBD gummies for you. Our CBD gummies contain less than 0.3% THC, which is far below what is necessary to generate any type of intoxicating effect and fall into the Haram category. To get our CBD gummies and access our entire catalog, you just have to enter our online store, choose your favorite gummies or CBD product, and order. Our team will deliver your order to your door safely and discreetly.

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The content provided on Botany Farms’ website, including blog posts and articles, is for informational and entertainment purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

While we source our information from credible academic studies and trusted sources, we encourage our readers to conduct their own research and consult healthcare professionals for personalized advice. The legality of cannabinoids varies by state and is subject to change. It is the reader’s responsibility to verify the current legal status of cannabinoids in their state or jurisdiction.

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